Tahayyori Exchange (Arz-Iran)
صرافى تحيرى و شركاء

"WikiIran exposes how one of Iran's largest money exchange houses, Tahayyori Guarantee Society (شرکت تضامنی تحیری و شرکاء)/ARZ-IRAN (صرافی ارز ایران), operates an expanded international network of over 60 front companies for money laundry and circumventing the international sanctions against the Islamic Republic. Based in various countries such as the UAE, China, Turkey, and Hong Kong, these front companies enable the Iranian banks, importers and exporters to conduct international transactions and transfer foreign currency of over three billion dollars in just two years (2020-2022).

These records, leaked from Tahayyori's servers, reveal details of thousands of transactions through these front companies, involving Iranian banks as well as government and private entities, most of them from Iran's petrochemical sector.

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